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St. Canice's Primary School, Feeny

First Holy Communion

20th May 2023

Well done to all our boys & girls who made their First Communion today. We are so proud of how well they participated in the mass. Thank you to Miss McCloskey & Eimer who helped the P4s prepare so thoroughly and had the children so well rehearsed for today.

We thank Fr. Micheál & Charlotte, or Faith Formation Coordinator, for all their help & guidance throughout the year and making today so special. The 'Do this in Memory' masses have been so important in preparing the children for their First Communion.

Thank you to Maeve & the choir for singing so beautifully. We thank the altar servers & choir for giving up part of their day to participate in the mass. We hope you enjoyed the stunning display of the children's First Communion work. We thank all the members of staff who helped with today.

Thanks to Fr. Micheàl for arranging the ice cream van. Everyone enjoyed an ice cream afterwards!

We thank St. Canice's PTA for the gift bags presented to the boys & girls.

We hope that you all enjoy the rest of your special day!